unclear cloudy unclear Wind W.S.W struck tent at 8 AM traveled a fine road along the river, on [?arbitraton?] 6 miles from where we struck river a [?find?] spring on the left hand good camping 15 miles unclear, wood + water Tues 12 unclear cool Wind S.W.W. struck tent at 8 A.M. traveled heavy sandy + uneaven road along the river P. camped on the bank of the wood + water but little grass Wed 13 clear + cloudy cool Win S.S.W quite [?windy?] struck tent at 8 A.M. travelded over a sandy + uneaven road along the river passed the Toll Bridge across the Platte, camped on banks of river 2 miles above the bridge [?gond?] unclear swam the cattle on to unclear in the unclear Thur 14 clear cool, unclear Wind W.S.W. struck tent at 11 A.M. traveled alonge the Platte road uneaven one steepe descent 12 miles from bridge but little grass camped on river good + wood at this point we left unclear river the old road leaves at the upper [?Ferry?] 9 miles below