unclear road in the sand? camped near S Bluffs 1 mile from Plutte? river Thur 23 clear + cloudy cool Wind W N.W? struck tent at 7 A.M. traveled 1 1/2 mile over the sandy bluff? to Buffalo unclear 6? miles of good level road 2 1/unclear of sand to Wolf spring We passed Narron spring Slugish + unclear creek all good crossing camped on duck creek good water + geap? buffalo chip? Friday 24 clear warm Wind ENE struck tent 6 1/2 A.M. traveled along P.R. road sandy unclear Cedar Bluffs unclear + Sandy creek + other small creeks Went out a grinning? unclear Camped on pararie 1 mile from the river passed 4 trees on the {{unclear]] side of the plattte? 4 miles above 6.B.? Sat 25 clear warm Wind N.E E. struck tent at 6 1/2 A.M. traveled over rolling unclear + unclear bluffe? crossed Wolf Watch = unclear creek unclear tree + Ash Hollow?