10 Mon 13 clear + cloudy warm windy Wind S. unclear struck tent at 7 A.M. traveled over first prararie low unclear bad crossing 40 ft wide muddy banks. traveled about 10 miles camped near flatte river good camping Tue 14 cloudy coold windy Wind S.W. struck tent at 6 1/2 A.M. traveled over level unclear bad road [[sloughs?] to corss river of A Chili? camped on pararie river unclear about 18 miles from where we started from rained in P.M. passed by two unclear Wed 15 cloudy warm wind N.E. struck tent at 6 1/2 A.M. traveled over level pararie hard road unclear Two deep unclear good crossed a small creek 3 1/2 miles from R? road unclear river camped 5 1/2 P.M. on the west bank of Elem? creek good grass + timber Thur 16 cloudy + clear warm Wind N.W. struck tent 7 1/2 A.M. traveled ove/ level bank Lund hard? road crossed several