8 traveled about 20 M camped on pararie no wood water scarce Sund 3 cloudy rained cool Wind S. struck tent at 6 1/2 A.M. traveled over pararie to Shell? creek heavy road on the bottom crossed near the Platte R. on foot bridge; camped good unclear pararie 2 miles from creek no timber Mond 4 cloudy cool wind S.W. struck tent at 7 A.M. traveled over bad road passed through two bad sloughs camped on pararie about 1 mile from platte R. Tues 7 cloudy & cle warm Wind S.W. struck tent at 7 A.M. traveled about 4 miles over the South Fork camped for the day a large no. of wagons here Wed 8 cloudy cool Wind S.W. struck tent at 8 1/2 A.M. Ferried South Fork at 7 P.M. camped on west bank hard time in crossing on the account of no. to cross Thu 9 clear warm Wind S.W. struck tent at 6 A.M. traveled over prararie