unclear all the way on uncleartimbered bottoms on each Side cov.d with cotton and oak timber a little back from the river the hills is covered in pine and Spruce from which the Savages get bark to cover their villages passed Several more verry large villages on each side. the Savages are verry numerous. the country appears to be good the Soil rich and game unclearpleanty Saw the Indians bring in Several deer to dress which they had killed with their bows and arrows towards evening we met a large canoe unclearwith Indians one of them could curse for words in Inglish they had a Sturgeon on board they canoe had images worked on the bow & stern. they had five muskets on board. we discovered a high round mountain . Some unclearback from the River on the Stard. Side which is called mount Rainy?. we are not yet out of Site of Mount Hood which is covd by Snow. Saw a great many sea otter we went 28 miles to day and Camped after dark on the Starbord Side the Swan and geese are verry pleanty on the River brants
Tuesday 5th Nov. 1805 began to rain abt. one oclock last night and rained untill morning the morning cloudy we Set out early and proceeded on verry well the River verry Strait passed Islands as usal abt. 10 unclearthe largest village we have unclearthe S.Side the cabbens unclear