as if I almost ought to something for him - have not given him anything yet - only boil his milk - this may be all he will need. (Monday morning) Cold and rainy, chilly and damp enough. Willie washed and dressed and asleep. Wilder asleep in his double dress. Capt. Whipple has been over, an hour or more to see uncle & aunt. Willie & Wilder slept till almost four oclock last night without waking. I rose at half past four as usual and had a bright fire in about a minute. Jennie's ? came for her about eight and she is gone to her school in quite good spirits. May success attend her.
Wilder is really enjoying today in spite of his long dress. He got about a quarter of the way across the long room crowing finely about it. I long to get the short clothes done. Shall miss Jenny a good deal about the babies. Mother says give her love and say that babies have not tasted her tea since you left!
Eve. Mrs. Anderson here to spend the night - also cousin Samuel Putnam. Willie need me. They both need considerable more than usual care - are fretful & want to be held. Love & good night fr. your Nettie.