in Dunbarton. All young people, and five are members of the same family - it is a happy day to my dear Father, and to all good people. I have enjoyed the Sabbath exceedingly. I listened to a most impressive sermon, in the forenoon, from Galatians 6- 14. This afternoon, in connection with the administration of the Lord's supper, two person were admitted to the church, one of whom was baptized. Since returning from church, one of whom was baptised. Since returning from church, we have had an interesting prayer meeting. This female prayer meeting was commenced the first of the term, with but three or four attendants - this eve. the little room was crowded. I cam but think it has already done good. Deep feeling was manifest - today - tears plowed from almost every eye. One young lady expressed a determination to ask Christ, and said she sometimes dared to hope she was a Christian. There are very few professors here - ? has a weight of responsibility - rests upon those few, with regard to their companions. Prayer will avail much. We cannot value it too highly, or be too often engaged in that which unlocks all heaven's treasures. & brings every blessing from above.
I believe I mentioned in some letter, that we walk two miles to meeting. When the days is as pleasant as this has been, it is a most delightful walk, the road is very level, and tall, dark, pines rise on each side, almost the whole distance. To day the sky was of that clear deep blue, so glorious to behold, the air pure, and even the dear little birds