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My very dear Isaac & Nettie I intended to write to you before I left Milo but delays and neglects are not very uncommon things with me. I had a fine visit theret grew well & strong on Albina's pumpkin bread it is I really believe very healthy. I never before saw a child grow smart and fleshy as Percie did while he was there in my life you know how weak his bowels have always been and ever since he was so sick Till we went to Milo and for some days after we could never allow him to eat much else but bread - Albina had a fine parcel of dried Raspberry leaves and I gave P. P. Tea made of it 2 or 3 weeks constantly I put in 1 or 2 spoon full of it very strong in a cup of milk sweeten'd a little he lov'd it took it with his meal and at other times and soon got so that he could eat anything that any of the children ate but he prefer'd before anything else the Brown Bread made of stow'd Pumpkin and indian meal & he has grown very fat & large & strong.