Louisville also a pair of mittens. Many thanks to [illegible] Gilmore they are exactly what I need, they should have been knit with the right fore finger. I have received a letter from Charlie giving me an incite into his business, but can not answer it, for he did not give me his adress. I received the letter you directed to Falmoth with a dollar bill inclosed in due time, and the money was spent accordingly, I acknowledge receipt of it once before. Carrie asks if I go to churgh in any of the towns we stop in, I can not get out with getting a pass signed by the Capt. & Col. to get it signed by the former one must get down on his knees and beg, I never ask for favors and never receive them. My Stockins are machine knit they are very hard on a persons feet I could of bought good home knit socks for 20 cts. pr. pair. I do not think there is any prospect of being paid off before the first of Jan. I am getting tired will write a few lines tomorrow. Monday afternoon I am getting better slowly. This morning the boat ran into a sand bar which detained us four hours if nothing happens we shall be in Cairo tonight. I suppose our destination to be Memphis, to be ready for operations on Vixburg when the great Mississippi Army moves. Have I ever had the Measeles? I understand there is a great many sick with them at Cairo. Give my respects to all enquiring friends. With a good share of love to yourself I am your loving Brother Carlie