New York Dec 20th 1885
My dear Friend
at last I find an opportunity to answer your very nice and welcome letter, I am dreadfully disappointed you are not in N. York this winter I miss your kind sympathies so much at the same time I am glad to think you can be with your sisters this winter I know how much you will appreciate it and I have no doubt but your sisters will also, just as much, how I envy you that sweet sisterly companionship, few understand it except those who have enjoyed it, and have been deprived of it. I often think what a lonely being I would
added at top dont forget to save me some of Anna's Pansy seed, and look for your verse on New Years morning send me yours and I will send you mine, "as the children say"
added at left side so now dear friend Lizzies love wishing you al happy I shall your sincer