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<minor edits 7/6/2017, GH> <minor edits 7/8/2017, MH>

curru igneo; et p[er] nomen Java p[er] quod Helizeus Spiritum Heliæ dupliciter recepit p[er] nomen Em[m]anuel p[er] quod Esaias p[ro]phetarit de adventu D[omi]ni; p[er] nomen Jesu absconditum a sæculis, et in fine sæculi revelatum.

Præcipio, Coniuro et adiuro te א. p[er] hoc nomen sacratissimum El + et p[er] omina nomina Dei prædicta et subsequentia Sacratissima; ut mihi appareas, et humiliter obedias sub pena Damnationis, et Excom[m]unicationis æternæ.

Per nomen Jepheth p[er] quod Salomon conclusit vos in pilæ ænea[m]; et p[er] hæc Sacratissima Dei nomina + Messias + Em[m]anuel + Sabaoth + Adonay + Vsia + Homousion + Joth + Gnath + Fores + Gram[m]aton + Agnus + Aries + Serpens + Leo + Vitulus + Vermis + . p[er] nomen Est qui Est; et p[er] omnia Mysteria in cælo et in terra.

Coniuro te א. p[er] Sigillum et Pentaculum Salomonis, ut mihi appareas et veraciter respondeas, et velle meum adimpleas ad o[mn]ia præcepta et Interrogata.

Quod si nolueris Maledicat te Deus Pater + Vinciat te Deus filius + Eijcitias te Deus Spiritus Sanctus + omnis Virtutes cælorum Angelorum, Archangelorum, Thronoru[m], Domination<um>, Principatuu[m] Potestatuu[m] cherubin, et Seraphin insurgant contra te.

Audi et Time sententiam Creatoris tui qui cuncta gubernat, triumphat vincit et p[er] sæcula sæculorum. Amen!

chariot of fire; and p [m] is Java </ u> p [er] is Helizeus received the Spirit of Elias in two ways: p [er] is Em [m] anuel p [m] which Isaiah p [ro] phetarit 500 coming out of [the lord] m; p [m] of the hidden name of Jesus ages and at the end of the world has revealed.

Command, and call the high א. p [m] is the name Most El </ u> + and p [m] omen of the names of were spoken before and what follows the Most holy; and it seems to me, and I humbly pain Condemnation, and Exco [m] unicationis lasting.

By the term Japheth </ u> p [m] concluded that Salomon You on the ball of gold [m]; and p [m] this sacred The names of the Messiah + + EM [n] + Hosts anuel Vsia of his star + + + + Homousios Ioth + Gnath The doors + + Gram [m] Aton Ram Lamb + + Serpens The cow + + + + Leo worm. p [m] is the name of the It is; and p [m] all the mysteries in the heavens and the earth.

I call upon you א. p [m] seal and the Pentacle Solomon, as it appears in truth answer and fulfill my wish to e [m] is rules and the interrogator.

If you refuse to curse the Father + Dressed to God the Son, God Eijcitias + Spirit all the virtues of Heaven Angels, Thronoru [m], Domination <nm>; Principatuu [m] Potestatuu [m] cherubim and seraphim they rise up against you.

Time view and listen to your Maker who decreed that all governs, and in triumph, victor overcomes them, and through the ages. Amen!

Anthony Lynch <anthonyhowardlynch@gmail.com>

in the fiery chariot; and by the name Java by which Helizeus recovers the spirit of the sun in two ways by the name Emmanuel by which Esias prophesied the coming of the Lord; by the name of Jesus, secret throughout the ages, and revealed at the end of time. I order, conjure and adjure you א. by this most sacred name El+ and by all the most sacred before-mentioned and after-mentioned names of God; that you should appear to me and humbly obey me under penalty of damnation and eternal excommunication. By the name Jepheth by which Solomon confines you [pl] in the pillars of Aeneas (?); and by these most sacred names of God + Messias + Emmanuel + Sabaoth + Adonay + Vsia + Homousion + Joth + Gnath + Fores + Grammaton + Agnus + Aries + Serpens + Leo + Vitulus + Vermis + by the name He Is That Is; and by all the mysteries in heaven and in the earth. I conjure thee א. by the Seal and Pentacle of Solomon, to appear and truthfully respond to me, and to reveal to me all teachings and questions. If you do not wish God the Father to curse you + God the Son to bind you + God the Holy Spirit to spurn (?) you + all the powers of heaven Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim to rise up against you. Hear and fear the judgment of your Creator who absolutely governs, triumphs and conquers for ever and ever. Amen!