But however delightful to me to have his company and protection on my 'homeward bound voyage, I should not of course wish or expect him to come unless he wished to do so from the benefit, pleasure and profit arriving to himself sufficient to balance the expense. I shall have no difficulty in returning safely,- shall very probably find opportunity to go with an acquaintance, as favourable a month it is said to cross the lakes as any in the year. Perhaps I shall go across the country. I keep school two weeks longer- have some preparations to make for the journey that will keep me very busy- have not 'fixed' much since I have been here and you know how important it is to do it once in a while. I am thinking some of slipping down on the canal from Cleveland where all the boats unclear to Zanesville to see cousin Jerisha Clark, on my way. the additional expense would be small, and I feel unwilling to pass by without seeing that companion and playmate of my childhood,: That would give me some view too of the noble state of Ohio;- the only objection is, I should lose my company probably by that courses but if Eliab was with me it would be just the thing he would like. I received a letter from Isaac and Mother just before he left Milo, in which he directed me to address him at Goffstown,- I sent a letter to him; & the day after,- received one from from him stating his P. O. address was Newbury - shall write him again in a day or two. I expect a letter from Eliab every day. -Lizzie Doe owes me a letter and has not written me since