Dear Sallie As there is no drill to day, will have a little talk with you, When I commenced writing did not think should more than time enough to answer Dear Cousins letter. It is now evening and but a little while to roll call, After writing the heading of this was called away to make but a clothing estimate for the CO. for this month, After which came to dinner, then hearing that a boat had arrived at fort concluded to row to trying to see what the news was from America or any other civilized Country, as this is one of the out posts and not counted in any enlightened Kingdom [begin vertical writing] answered Cousins Leroys letters before I left five Mile Creek. How is Henrys sick Horse getting along? And the other Horses how do they look? What is the prospect for Wheat the coming season? And the fruit crop also? Try and get Henry to write. Give my kindest regards to Aunt [illegible], Henry, Dr. Brohardye wife and family. The drums have commenced to beat so Good night Lots of love, Carl [vertical writing end]