Young's Point La. Feb. 27th/63 Dear. Brother This is the third letter written home this week, this would not have been written had it not been for Captain Ochenbaeh going to Alton on a furlough. He starts tomorrow evening, as I was doing nothing I thought it was best to write today, if it is a fair day, shall be at work in the canal tomorrow, and then could not write Yesterday it rained hard all day, today it does not rain, but one minute it is fair, the next it is cloudy with squalls of wind [begin vertical writing] To find the Capt call at the Central house in third street, as that is his head quarters. Will send you a band the size of my head. If I get four months hey shall send forty dollars home if I can find any way to do it safely. I am well and hope this will find you the same love and kisses to you [Pele?] I am your aff. brother Carlos [vertical writing end]