The extraordinarie Vertues of certain Herbs. MS. [Th]e first Herb is Acill almalite which is cald [Coro]na Regia, and Rosmarinus. It hath a middle [tree =stalk] of good odours with little leaves. It hath power [t] heate and comfort the Brayns. If a house [be] suffumed therwith it chaseth away devills. Pionia doth likewise.
The Second Herb is Artemesia which is mother [of] the first. This thou shalt put in all things [...] thou doest the leaves being green on one side [and] white on the other. With this thou shalt [cl]ep [=call] winds and all spirits, and shalt propsay.
The 3. herb is Canabis [=cannabis]. It is long in shafte [and clo]th is made therof. Being anointed with it [an]d with the iuice Artemesia having a [m]irrour of steele if thou clep any spiritts [tho]u shallt see them therin, and have power [to] bynde and loose devills and other things.
The 4. Herb is feniculus having small leaves [and] a long shaft being an holy herb medicinable [of] the eyes to which it giveth light, and chaseth [aw]ay evill spirits
The 5. Herb is Cardammum which is hot and [of] a good complexion. It is of a middle height [and] giveth Gladnes to him that useth it [?][bering?] together Spirits. Eat of this when [tho]u makest invocation, or make a fume of it.
Jo[annis] Saresbur, de nugis curialium lib. cap. 12 lib. 2. cap. 28. de speculariis.