ordered to fall into line, and march we knew not wither. After two hours fast marching through the mud in the dark found ourselves once more on the old boat. The cause of the retreat I know nothing off, my supisition is that as Gen. Grant did not reinforce us, as was expected he would there was dainger of our being atacked. On Sunday and Monday there was heavy fighting in the centre but our fources were repulsed with a great loss, without gaining anything. Saturday afternoon rain rain of all the thunder Showers I ever saw I never saw the equal to the present storm, it rained in torents all last night and most of the time to day, it is now so dark that I can hardly see to write. I hear that there will be a boat go up the river to night or in the morning with the mail, should think there would be a mail down here soon. I would like to see one much. We are on the Louisana shore at Miligans bend, at the last stoping place we made when we went down the river