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works or plays etc. etc. Jan. 16th Mr. Hackett preached here a week from last Sabbath on trial. If the people want him. if he can sell his farm where he lives and if he can buy one here, he will come. I hope he will. I am once in a while writing a Composition, so as to save time next Spring. I wrote a "piece of verse" 'tother day which made me think of

                                                                      "A soundless voice that none can hear -
                                                                       A rayless light that none can see-
                                                                       A sorrowing smile - a mirthful tear-
                                                                       A dismal hope - a lovely fear -
                                                                       And this is modern poetry."   Before I proceed farther, I desire to know you conclusion if any you have formed, about going to College; because my going to Foxcroft depends in some measure on that conclusion. If you conclude to go through College, I do not wish to have you pay, or furnish me with any funds, because you will need yourself all that you can have, and what we can help you to besides; but if you do not go I spose I shall have to draw upon you some (that is, with your permission) it takes two to make a bargain besides what Joseph can let me have. The I can teach school next summer & thereby repay you. But as we have aforesaid, - of you do go, we are all willing to help you as much as lies in our power. Do you have your scholars draw maps? Ann did, and the scholars, parents and Committee were much please thereat. Have the Committee visited your school yet and what do they say about it? Our Mother at the mill, has every scholar who can write, write compositions, which are read every Sat. afternoon. Francy A. Cutts says she is pretty good at Composition, and she got so used to reading them at Foxcroft, that she don't care anything about it here. Did she ever read any there? Olive Furber has done going to school, because she could not get an Algebra. I wish you could come home again before the term commences up there. but I suppose it would hardly be worth while to come so far, unless for something necessary. I want to "talk over matters" - you know Charles never will say much but "I don't know". I have got to the Appendix in Arithmetic. Charles helps me etc. evenings. I shall be through soon. Shall you need any pairs of stockings before Mother comes home? I will get your mittens done so to carry them if I go to Foxcroft and if not C. will go before long. He is going to Bangor next week. Mr. Gilman is going to take the horse and sleigh over Monday for him. He reserved one journey to Bangor where he sold it. I don't know as my letters are worth the postage, but I want to hear from you, so I take it for granted that you do from me. The 'taters freeze considerably this cold weather Twenty-two below zero one morning this week. Fear not respecting beloved dosy. The Dr. has not been near me lately - and I did not scruple to decieve him and throw away part of what he left! Did you go to Monson to Conference? None from this church if you did not. Jan. 23rd I must finish this today I suppose if I can have an opportunity to send to the P.O. tomorrow and may not have another before Saturday. I have not heard from Joseph since you was at home - suppose his school closes next week. Have you found another for him? Charles has not. I saw a notice of Foxcroft Academy in the last week's Farmer, wherein your name, Isaac H. Metcalf was put. You have not said yet whether you should continue in the Academy next term or not. My pen is so grievous I can hardly write. If you do not come home be sure and write again before the term commences - won't you?
             Have you found your pen knife? we have seen nothing of it here. Almeida wants to know if you will sell her some oats and peas and let her make your vest to pay. She has had one bushel, and would like some more if she can pay in that way. Charles thinks he has done well too.  He makes good wages at $1.00 per day there short days. He is to work fifty days now and the rest whenever C. wants it,- next year or year after.
            James has found a new peace in the Bible  - or at least that he never noticed before, which proves (he says) beyond a doubt that the Jews are not to be restored. Ot that if they are, a "remnant" from Sodom and Samaria will be at the same time. Read Ezekiel