quite active of late in the formation of a "Young Men's Christian Association", now hope it will do much good here, many have joined young & old. They have established a reading room in Ely's block, open to all & man much frequented will attractions of Periodicals, Reviews & a commencement has been made for a library, books given & loanded by members. Mr. Brooks the Episcopal Clergyman is the president, Isaac is Seo. I believe. The chief interest now in appearance is in Mr. Brooks' society; he preaches sabbath evening with attractions of good, even artistic music, house well lighted, & he himself has much freshness & earnestness in preaching which makes him acceptable to the young, who all go to his church Sabbath evenings. Mrs. Fitts is still living, yesterday (Sab) she seemed almost gone, her sons & brother Hall's folks was have most of the day best she revived & has seemed better. She suffers from cough, shortness of breath & pain in her limbs which are much swollen yet she has not suffered much acute pain. She is just as calm & quiet as you have always seen her, satisfied with all that is done for her: she has been confined to her bed for more than four months, has had watches for about four weeks: I have sat up some, but not all night yet. Mrs. H. Ely is coming to night! There is some sickness about just now, some
We are specially glad to unclear Hollin? of B. where you are there I should think you would unclear until warm weather. unclear