officers, against whose character and conduct no evidence has been adduced; but I can assure you the government will receive and take into immediate consideration, any charges unclear against their fairness & impartiality which shall be supported by proofs. You will be pleased to present to the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, the items of your claim for the arrearages of pensions due to the Cherokee nation. A copy of the instructions to Major Gen Scott, Commanding the United States forces in the Cherokee country, is herewith furnished. Very respectfully, unclear JR Poinsett unclear John Rofs and Edward Gunter, Washington City Enclosure (copy)
War Department 23 May 1838
Sir, You will receive, herewith, a copy of proposal made by the department to the Cherokee delegation, now in this city, which it is them. You are therefore hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with the Agents of the Nation, for the removal of their people. The [[expences?]} attending the emigration of the Cherokee are now fully ascertained by past experience, and it is preformed you will find no difficulty in making such an arrange-