Mon. March 1st 1897 warmer sprinkle not freeze at night Jo went back A.M. Met Miss Jos. Walker at train. Missionary girl from Oberlin. Spoke to boys + girls in chapel at 3:30 P.M. P.M. To woods alone. Told Hadaway to tap trees on shares. Eve. Called in Carl Plocher, Chas Reese, Will Young Ogden Rae and Jn. Tite. Talked with Mr. Tite about Sunday closing. Tues. Mar. 2. warm snow much 4 in. Dr Witts appraisal. New Suit at Globe Clothing Co 7.65 box Linene Collars .20 Picked out potatoes 4 bus, apples 3 bus, parsnips salsify turnips etc.to take to Annies. Eve. C.E. Business meetg. 18 present. I was Secy pro tem. GM. G subscribe for Our Union .25 Wed. 3 rained last night. snow all gone. turned cold. Took load to Oberlin. started 9 A.M. Oberlin 11:30 home 2:15 to 4:30 Baby not well. but could tell what a cow says, also sheep, cat, dog, goose duck. Eve. home. Thurs 4. clear warm Inauguration day Keyes has Chicken Pox Worked at wood pile. Thurs eve mtg. good. Prayer for the new administration. Dr. Sherwood told a great story. 26 men from his little