people across the way told me of that remedy. I am quite sociably acquainted with them. I wish you would bring Charlie down with you when you come. What a deal of comfort I could get out of him! I wish you would bring two or three dozen good fresh eggs when you come if you have them and can conveniently. We don't get fresh ones. I have got both my dresses made, like them well. We have not got a bit of a garden made yet, and I hardly think we shall do any thing about it - Samuel is so busy all the time. He has considerable surveying to do, and the mice to attend to - now they unclear by night, it is a good deal of care. When he has any thin text obscured do, he "tends right to it," too much, I tell text obscured in the spring all the time. I tell him text obscured. I went? you should pack up. "bag & baggage" every thing you will want for a year, and then if you get uneasy, you can go back any time, you know. But "till summer" crossed out till winter is the least I can let you off with. Why, I want somebody to talk to! James would not? object to talking - not at all - but I do. Well, I have made out quite a letter, when I did not expect to write a page when I began. Charles and Albina may be laying their plans to come here with both the children about the first of sleighing. Tell Lucy to improve all her time, and learn? past, for much Samuel says she may come & stay here and go to the High School a time or two, as soon as