The 'Young Ladies' Missionary Band is rather a peculiar institution. Mrs McLean was wanted as president and she said she would accept-on condition that all the married ladies would join the other society. It is thought-by many if that change could be made many of the young girls like most in Aunt-Anna's class and Mrs. Markhams class could be prevailed upon to join the Y.L's society and that-class of girls ought to be at work. The change has not been made, but many of the members are coming into our society. The young ladies unite with the "House Missionary Society" this week, The Young Peoples; also had an entertainment a week or so ago for the benefit of the Flower Mission. It was a rainy night and but few people went. I think they made about $11.00. As usual I have had so much help from small people that I really little idea of what I have said. I would like some little things from Boston but - 'will tell you, some week day. With much love and best wishes,
The Mother