SAMUEL A. JONES, M.D., CONSULTING PHYSICIAN Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept 26, 1884 Dear Dr.
I gave your order to G. Osius of o., who said they would forward to you a copy of Ford's "Questions" and also inform you as to his other publications. I well remember lending you the books ten years ago, because the missing "Schwann & Schleider" broke my sett? of the Old Sydenham Socy's publications. As I never? ask for a borrowed book, not deeming that my duty, I will be plain enough to say that I had long since given up any expectation of seeing them again. You mention trouble - we are born to it. We must learn the lesson it brings, and leave all else to God. I am thankful that He presides at the last assize. Very truly yours, Sam'l A. Jones
over Jennie?