ones in line. The strikers have succeeded so far in getting 6 or 8 of the men who came to take their places, not to go to work they gave them $50.00 a letter and transportation home. Fireman {[Dryer?]] who was one of the strikers who returned to work. Sunday he was given switch Engine #62 to run in the yard. 3 or 4 of the strikers got on the engine and by threats and promises Dryer quit work. The Opr thinks a great many strikers would return to work if they were protected. P.J.K reports Chicago Mar. 6th 1888 The Opr left the agency at 10 am went to the Grand Pacific Hotel and mixed with the striking Engineers and Firemen, they were careful not to discuss their opinions on the outcome of the strike. There was a closed meeting held in rooms 34 and 36 on 2nd or 3rd floor between Chiefs Arthur and unclear and committee of unclear and C.M. SPP? It was a secret meeting and Opr was unable to get its contents. The Opr heard an Engineer ask some brother Engineers what was the condition of the Strike, apparently he was an engineer from some of the other Brotherhoods as he said I was told to get what information I could and find how the boys are getting on and respond to the Brotherhood. They told him he had better see Chief Arthur. The Opr tried to find out who this man was that made the inquiry but no one seemed to know him