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1 later annotation 1855 /annotation

Osawatomie Apr. We have got the queeress looking house, Sarah that you ever looked on It's forty feet long and not more than sixteen ft. wide on the outside - There are three rooms any one of which is light enough witthout a window, so of course there are no windows at all in the whole establishment, The room we live in is the only one that is "finished off" (you dont know the meaning of that term in Steuben)" There is a fireplace at line is unclear We have in it a stove 5 chairs the cupboard 3 trunks a barrel of unclear a bag of lots of unclear words I have just got some ink) and unclear water pails and plenty of room beside

 Now you would like to know how we came by such a shaped house I suppose The way of it simply this People who was to have built a house for us went and built it for another man on our claim and so when we got here we found ourselves without a home so we have taken this claim with this queer house on it from a man who is trying to hold 4 claims The would be owner is Mr. Brown, from Utica, he has been about in Kansas ever since we came in, I expect he will scold some when he returns, for he was intending this place for village lots, and of course expected a little cash from it, and its a precious little he'll get, I trow.

The neighbors applaud our decision in remaining on it, It is not so pretty a location as ours but there is beauty enough to render it quite desirable, & I am content with it We have got some excellent neighbors, and everything that we could reasonably expect in a new settlement we have forund

There is a store a mile from unclear & stage runs once a week from here to Kansas City carrying passengers for $2.50 each - we have a Black - Smith that is going into business here