Remsen Jan 19,"83 Dear Sister, We received yours with the tintype. You do not look very well - wish you might have a little rest and taste of the country. Mr & Mrs. P. are going to Prospect today & we send this with them. It is mild and pleasant- we can have our windows open for a little time quite often. Anna does not get over her cold- has rather added to it. She was poorly during the other storm and now this one is over we hope she will be better- She stayed alone while we went to church and very few were there- Mr. Hughes preached however- We do not know when we shall go to Turn - we are comfortable here - sit in the room with Mr. & Mrs. P. often for a changed and we make fire in the back kitchen once in a while- We have had no mail since Friday a.m. -
[top left corner, continued from bottom of page] Write often as you can Much love to John R. and to Jane How are they at Hillsdale? Cousin Fannie writes that Ellen has been sick but was better when she wrote Shall we send ??? to Mrs Winston?