is said to have seen Cartier. Missions were soon begun, and the French secured permanently the friendship of the Micmacs.They figure in many of the border wars and after the English established Annapolis, the Micmacs destroyed Capt. Pigou's force at Bloody Creek in 1711. They constantly plundered English vessels on the coast, in 1722 taking several in the bay of Fundy and 18 in the harbors.
Attacked Annapolis in 1724 + '44. Band after band made peace, but not till 1760 the unclear Micmacs, the unclear warlike + formidable, laid down arms, submitted to English rule. About as numerous as they were 270 years ago.
++The Micmacs worshipped the sun, unclear, of land unclear, was their benefactor, having given them corn and tobacco. Glooscap, another great mythical character. ++They made no pottery: had no hemp like unclear tribes, made unclear cloths and mantles of skins, intestine strings for bows and fishlines, lodges of bark or skins. Had hieroglyphics.