Tuesday April 20, 1875 All last night we had a wind and rain storm the baby did not rest well. all of my family well. Hunt went to dinner to day the first time for a week the sun shone brightly. but it is cold and rigid so ours seemed? Mr Gage Mr Williams and Mrs Greeman called Eva gone out - unsure baby feels better to day. Dr Small called to see her Wednesday April 21, 1875 This has been a glorious bright sunny day. but wind blowing from the North East, and very cold. all of my family well, but baby Harry is still stick with Pneunmonia. Sometimes she almost suffocates I sent off early for Dr Small about seven O, clock and he visited her. again to night, and he thinks her a little better Miss Mattie Hill came to see Ada to day. Mr Tyalor called to say good bye to Ada as he is going to Europe Thursday April 22 1875 This is a lovely day. clear col and sunny. all my family well. Evahas gone out to drive and has taken Hunt and Ruby with her, it is the first day Hunt has been out for ten days Belle's baby has been all day much better. and laughs at every one she feels pretty well. Dr Small di don't come to day. Mrs Leonard and Mrs Boyce called so did Mrs Joggett Mr Adurns called after ten, Ella Badger and her Father spent the day with me. he is my husband's Father. Friday April 23, 1875 It was sunny and bright until 2 O, clock when it begun blowing and continue until unsure all my family are well, Belle's baby don't feel quite so well, we had a dispatch trying Belle and unsure would be here in the morning. Saturday April 24th This morning is sunny and beautiful . I arose early and got ready for Belle. they arrived at eight, they were thunderstruck to think their baby had Pneunmonia Belle looks well and strong so does Mr Harry, she engaged her unsure, her day unsure Mr. Harry would take his baby home so she was bundled up and taken home, I went down in the afternoon and she did not seem hurt by unsure Sheridan