Statement for Workers in the Salvation Army Drive for War Funds 1. The drive is under the management of the State Council of Defense. 2. The funds being raised are to be used entirely for the benefit of American soldiers and sailors on the battlefields in France. 3. The work in France includes huts back of the lines where American soldiers are temporarily located, and also canteens and improvised Dugouts right up to the front line trenches. The service includes whatever seems most necessary to the soldiers under any given conditions -- meeting the actual needs of the hour. During the firing at night it includes serving hot coffee and doughnuts without charge to the fighters in front trenches who must often stand in the mud and rain for hours without food or drink except as it is thus supplied. 4. The Salvation Army workers in the war zones wear the United States Army Uniform, and the work is entirely under the control of the Military Authorities. 5. The work done by The Salvation Army is not duplicated by the work fo the Red Cross, the Y.M.C.A., the Knights of Columbus or other agencies. All of these agencies are assigned their locations by the military authorities and as there are never enough to cover fully the urgent needs at any one place, duplication of effort is utterly impos- sible.
6. The value of The Salvation Army's work among the soldiers is abundantly attested by military author- ities and the men themselves. General Pershing has shown a strong personal interest in the work, and has been unqualified in his commendation and support, and in his request that the American people make it possi- ble to étend this work by their liberal support.
7. Endorsements of the work have been given by:--
This Receipt
To be given to Donor by Worker.
The Salvation Army War Fund
No. 63211
Under auspices of Illinois State
Council of Defense--License No. 112
Series B, Aug. 1918
Name Judge Bregstone Address City or Town Salvation Army Dance Dollars $240.00?
Mrs Phlip P. Bregstone Chairman
By James Draeft?
Letter sent to Mrs. Philip Bregstone June, 1918