hoped were not far from the kingdom of God soon appeared to feel less and we have to mourn that they are now living without hope or God in the world. We have reason to rejoice that in general there is a better state of feeling amon them than in years past. They appear to have more gratitude for the privaleges they enjoy; but we ought not feel satisfied with this while they are walking the downward road to destruction. I think you will be pleased ot hear that at the different mission stations in the nation a female preayer meeting is held the third Tuesday in each month for the purpose of praying that Missinary labours may be helped, also that the Missionaries themselves might be more active in the blessed course in which they are ingaged that christians cherokees may feel more the importance of laboring for the good of their nature that the whole nation may become most happy people whose God is the Lord. I did not attend school for six years excepting eight months to cheif lawyer until Feb last, I then commenced though with more difficulties as I am the only help in my fathers family. I have been obliged to suspend my studies wholly for about six weeks on the account of its being a very busy time with the family and have just resumed them. I attend to domestic affairs before and after school. I am attending at present to Reading, writing, spelling, geography, arithmetic, and grammer. Though the kindness and exertion of the family two of the scholars and myself went with my father and Mrs. Fernal to Candy's Creek on Saturday last and staid until Monday Sabboth being