[red ink] 1872 [?] M Genl US Army
Endorsement on letter of the Quartermaster General U.S. Army Aug 27, 1872. Encloses Abstract of opinion of of [sic] officers of experience relative to the comparative merits of Aparajo and Pack Saddles [red ink] 2592 D.T. 1872 Recd from the Chf. Qur. Dept. of Texas, Sept 9, 1872 "Sec. 62 M.O. D.T. 2532, 72" Respectfully returned to the Qur. Genl whose attention is invited to the endorsement of the Chf Qur. of the Dept. This discussion as to the relative merits of Pack Saddles has been in progress since I have been in service, and seems as far from a satisfactory conclusion as ever. I agree entirely with the QM General that no pack saddle can be procured that will not in the hands of careless and ignorant packers, injure the mules. At the same time it is to be observed that what is known as the Regulation pack saddle requires much greater care and watchfulness on the part of the packers than the aparajo and those two qualities being generally wanting in the class of packer usually employed, accounts for greater frequency of injury to animals from that saddle.