Icy water courses, and cache creek and its branches, the high prairie extends to the Red River.
The grass is principally of the Buffalo, Mesquite and Gramma varieties and is very nutritious and valuable for grazing.
Oak, Pecan, Walnut, Hackberry? Elm and Cottonwood grown in considerable quantities along the banks of the streams, while around the base of the hills and mountains an inferior quality of Post oak? abounds.*
Garrison Headquarters, non-commissioned staff and band, companies "B", "C", "D", "E", "H", "l", "M" 10th Cavalry
Commanding? Officer Colonel B. H. Grierson, 10th U.S. Cavalry
- Excellent stone for building, of several varieties and unlimited quantities can be easily quarried within a short distance of the Post.
Good limestone is also abundant.