came and talked me into another and then they gave me what you call steeped snuff? but what tasted to me more like saw dust and water with just enough pepper put in the mixture to taste it. They dosed me with that and warm water until I vomited as Miss Tucker said, good but I say it was cruel for I had just eaten dinner potato and cabbage and all, and then lost the good of it, and we sick enough besides, but to-day I feel as smart as can be - Sarah wouldn't let me read your letter that we got to-day for ever as long after I saw it. She was afraid of me, she said but I didn't frighten her when I read it. I guess you think I have said enough about myself, and I will stop after I tell you that I weighed one hundred and fifteen pounds. Isn't that pretty well? Dr. says I will come down some pretty soon. Well, I am not sorry, it will be easier carrying myself around then - We have been down to Exercises and had quite an exciting time as electoneerers would say - Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Wood were up - They usually come once a day in the morning - They both want to see you very much. O, I have had a host of compliments