hours. min. the land the whole distance poor, broken & unfit for culture. 12 Some settlements on the river bank at We,at,lo,tuck,e - the land is stiff & rich. 58 Cross hatche Canane (crooked creek) running to the right, 10 feet wide,. The land stiff & good - oak, hickory and a few poplar. 39. Chat,to,hat,che (stoney creek) running to the right - 10 feet wide - the loand broken & poor; - there is one settlement on the path & one at the creek. 49. Woc,cuo,che (calf creek) - over broken land, pine, willow leaved hickory & post oa; the land bordering on the creek is rivh. There is one plantation on the left bank under fence & some peach trees around the houses.