Friday Feb 20th 1863 The snow is all melting - sun shining brightly. Our cow tossed up our coloured man Brown this morning and cut his head and leg - but not severely. [...] all well. I will write home today. Ellen took dinner with us. I sent a box to Louisville and my regrets to Florence Low,s Wedding.
Saturday Feb 21st 1863 This has been a windy day. Children took their usual bath. [...] came to invite Belle & Eva to a candy pulling at their house this afternoon. They went. It is blowing severely. All well but Ada. She complaining a little, the children had a little party last night. Ada ate too much. Belle & Eva went to the party - returned at ten o,clock.
Sunday Feb 22nd 1863 This is a bad day, and I will not go to church. Belle went with her father. I wrote home. Mr Hunt took dinner with us. Then he and Mr. Badger went walking. The ground covered with snow. I went with Belle & Eva to Father Badger. Mr. Badger came after us. I brought Ella home with me and Alice. They stayed all night.
Monday Feb 23rd 1863 This is a lovely day over head, but sloppy under foot. Ella and I went to the office to meet Sister [...] & Florence Cousins, Arianna Cutts and her two little boys. They came from the West End to spend day with me. Washington's birthday was celebrated today by a long procession of soldiers, Butchers and fire department. Mr. Wilton, Mr. Generett, Walter Milton, Albert Badger, [...] Bracket Badger, Father Badger & Horace Badger all spent day with me. We played cards danced and played a number of games, to a later hour at night. We had a fine time.