for the stone v[ide] fol. 27.b. [bu]rn a flint in the fire, beate it to [?] all powder putting it to be eaten [in?] a posset drinking new ale after [It] will help by the grace of God.
To make man or woman pisse Whatsoever the letting therof be. Take black sope as much as a haselnut mingle it with as much salt, put it in the navel of the party lying upright lay as warme cloth theron. 24. 29 _____________________
Rosemarie hath the vertue that yf
[?] had the hed of an arrow or any yron wetting a towel therein and putting it in the wound, also drinking of the same water It shall avoid out it helpeth all wounds inward or outward [?expelleth?] worms in man or child and all kind of Impostumos, helpeth all swelling, multiplieth nature, and is very helpful to a woman with child yf she drink therof. /
A good Remedy for the cold Take new milk seeth colombine leaves [?]erm: when it is sod, put som pepper to it and drink it fasting.