Thursday Nov 12th 1874
Today has been cold and cloudy, and at noon it snowed a little, all of us well. Ella enclosed the _____ and went out and made some _____ for our lunch at one o' clock. Mrs Heilton, Alice and Ella B came to lunch. We had a splendid lunch, Mrs Reubinsen came to ____ to day for me the two dollars a day. Mrs Kiyle came and cut and fit the work she four dollar a day. Mrs _____ Mrs______ Mrs_____ Mrs______ Mrs______ Mrs______ Mr Albert H a;; caled to day and after tea Mr L Rarrinbank called , ____ arrived in the city today. Friday Nov 13th 1874.
It has been quite cool today. all of us well, the remainder at home during teh morning and after lunch went shopping called a few minutes on Belle. She and Mrs ____ came in their begging to see us. My dressmaker Mrs Reubinson is still working at my dress, a black silk. George Waller ____ all night to night at our house.