adjoining lands, broken or waving and stoney. On the opposite side, broken - stoney - pine, oak & hiccory. The flat strips of land on the river above & below are generally narrow - the adjoining land, broken - with oak hickory & pine. The branches all have reed. They have a fine ford at the upper end of the town; the rive is 120 yards wide. Some of the people have settled out from they town and they have good land on Inmookfau Creek, which joins the right side of the river, 2 miles below the town. 2d. Took,au,bat,che tal,lau,hassee. this village received in part a new name in 1797. Tal,lo,wau \ mu, chassee (new town). It is on the right bank of the river, 4 miles above New,yau,cau. The land around it is broken