Centre Belpre, Jan 21st 1855
My dear brother: [Nathan] As we have not heard from you for so long I thought I must write to you to get you to answer and tell us how you are. It has been more than four weeks since we heard from you Mother's health is much better than it was in the fore- part of the winter. The rest of us (Father and I) are all well. I have the tooth-ache about half of the time. I went up to the Doctor's to have them pulled and his instruments were broken, so that I did not have them out. But as soon as I can I shall have them out. Areli is with Sisters in Marietta. She will stay all winter. It is rather lonesome here without her, though I go to school and do not mind it so much. I am getting along well in my studies. I attend Bookkeeping school two evenings in a week, like it very much. I went to church today. Will Marshall Dudley Deval and Ivin West were there. I don't know but Will is going to take Ena next Spring. That is the talk.