it at this time advisable, to unclear to unclear the lake (Erie) for to settle in that Country, as the Indains there were for from being satin's dyed with the terms of Peace, offered them by United States they there fore unclear, the Chippuwas, to permit them to stay only one year longer on there land: which was granted.
The crops having this season yielded a abundantly, was, among others benefit, matter of praise and thanksgiving, to the disposer of all good; who so manifectly had supported the Congragation throughout the whole year, although, sensem an returned with their families to Bethlehem, is being uncertain, when we should unclear the Lake, for unclear establish a new missionary settlement in that Country.
During this year, we unclear were united by Indians who were strangers to us; generally Delawares and Mohegans. One time there arrived upward of forty of them together, in a body; and at another time about the same number, but monthly of the unclear tribe; all of whom have unclear, and attended divine service during their stay.
In the winter following, when the River were covered with Ice, a great number of wolves came into the parts, unclear the country in packs, and