Exploitation waswas arrested. The same holds true to colonial empires; and wailing, gnashing of teeth and a newer capitalism is in order_ the older will not work under any circumstances Out of this war will probably emerge an economic commission, outside of political or military influence, and they will try to plan out an economy that may begin to function and gather such ninety of equity that the the good people may be either mallified, satisfied or actually happy. Wishful thinking? Fatalistic? You telling me? The working class is wholly unprepared to cut the red tape of stiff-necked acquiesecnse_ they are un-organized. Join the IWW even if you have to. Step out and beg, barrow or discover the money... It is pitiful really, heartrending! Their beloved capitalist systems got the dysentery and, although the profits are still rolling in, the economic royalist dread that the frustrated professionals may take a notion to decomphasisse the royalist ears _ about all they can do in an emergence of this kind is murder. Off the the starry eyed workers and then blame the shortage splatter a few tears from the bottom of their busoms. "Capitalism must be saved," they shout from the top of their bellows," and the best way to do it is jump across the pond and fix Heinies clock." Same as screwing economic security by producing shells, pinwheels and firecrackers; safety of this republic by making airplane pilots of the ccc and pure blooded collegians. Pure undiluted brains! That's what they have and ide quarrel would hunt me up a regular insane asylum and have it out with the certified half-wits or quarter brights.