Saturday July 5th 1862 Again to day it is very pleasant (?) -- all all the children sitting out under the trees -- at three o clock they went to Mrs. Phillips to Dancing school - then called on Lilly Scanmmon - Annie Wilder & Sophia Hurst - after Tea Mr Badger and children went out to his Fathers to see the fireworks - returned home late - Mrs. Willard Mary & Johnny called to see me - I trimmed Ada a hat with white ribbon
Sunday July 6th 1862 It is surprisingly warm to day - Mr. Badger the only one that is gone to Church at four o'clock Mr. Martin Maxwell called and took tea with us. Mr. Badger Belle & Eva gone to night church - the Unitarian church will close for a time as Mr. Thomas is going away - I received two letters from home - it has changed cool -
Monday July 7th 1862 - It is warm again but quite a breeze we all in fine health - baby still grows fat & heavy - we have not yet weighed him - Miss Van Tyle came to fit me for a Swiss spencer trimmed with black velvet - I called to see Mrs Wheeler - a severe blow of wind & dust came up I hurried home took tea - and after the shower - Mr. Badger and I called to see Mrs Capt Gray at Dr. Pitneys -
Tuesday July 8th 1862 It is very warm to day - except an occasional breeze - I never was so fleshy as I am now - I will write to Siss to day. Little Ellen sick for a few hours. I went to Mifs. Van Tyles to be fit. Clara Wheeler came to say good bye to us. Mr Badger Octave & John H ilton gone rowing Mr Mrs Reynolds called to see my - after Tea Octave Mr. Badger and I called to see Mrs. Gusnee - came home at nine and took Belle & Eva with us to get some Ice cream - at 11 Oclock to night it rained fast - children invited to Bridie?? Cobb's party to morrow - Belle took her music lesson -
Wednesday July 9th