of selling them for nothing, as I can carry between all three horse and all for less than forty dolls - I shall send Jesse with most of my heavy things & my horse in about 2 weeks, as the freight will be cheaper. I think if he gets out there away from this place he will take hold and do better & be more like a man - Miss Woodbury wishes you to take charge of a trunk & bring it out with you when you come - You can direct a letter to Mrs. Sarah D. Woodbury, Bethal VT, informing her of the time when you will start and telling her where to send the trunk directed to you - You had better have it left at some place where you are acquainted - say Athol, naming the public house at which it is to be left - and be sure and have her send it in season for you - Write to her immediately - think of these things & let me know by return of mail what you are intending to do as to them - I think perhaps the Trustees will take hold and do better than they have done formerly - Eaton has got [[unclear] $600s and perhaps things will go right - Write immediately- Yours Affectionately P. R.. Kendall