my pencil, by quoting, from one of my own songs, this single? line:--
" ' Tis sweet to be remembered."
Monday. Feb. 21st--
I have just unclear another unlear to the little package of songs that I have laid away. This makes fift teen; and whenever I think of them, I cannot help but unclear that they might be brought into service. How true it is that we are never satisfied! The heart, let it have what it may, is always reaching out -- reaching out after something more; and oft that something is disticed? never to come within its reach! One of the songs that sister Della has recently purchased for herself is this --"The Child's Wish." I think with unclear practice it will be a very unclear addition to her music. The words are good; and there is something about the melody that I like. It is and old song too; for it bers this date--1854. When I noticed this it got? me to thinking somewhat after this manner. "Seventy years!"Will any of unclear songs be sung and unclear twenty years hence! Will any of mine, as this old song is doing with unclear of unclear hers, go drifting onward over the billons of Time?