Grandfather went through and corrected some Welsh translations of books for,
I think, the unclear Track Society. New York, June 27, 1850 Dear Mr. Everett,
unclear Your two letters with the books are received; 2 I have gone over
the corrections in the history of Redemption in Welsh with Mr. Richard S. Jones, who likes the corrections, as I also do; & we are very thankful for all your care and accuracy. unclear as below arranged by Mr. Kingsbury our Assist. Treasurer, which we have been very willing to pay & should not have objected to paying any amt. which you believe right & desired to receive.
As to the new edition of Pilgrim's Progress in Wales, edited by Mr. Humphreys,
Mr. Jones says he saw such a notice of a new edition of the Saints' unclear in Wales; & asks if you have not unclear the two books. I wish you would ascertain this. I think we shall take your advice & not print any more of the old edition of our Pilgrim's Progress; & if you have no knowledge of a new & better edition than the new edition you have just read & returned. I think we had better recast our unclear from that edition. Please write us on this unclear. Mr. K will unclear your receipts to be retained as a voucher.