Study of Everett Homestead Steuben Hill July 16, 1889
To Kansas Cousins
unclear Lots proven there is in Magnetism. Another Monday finds me still upon the hills. You remember a week ago to-day I wrote you a hurried letter with pencil from the Remsen depot. I thought Thurs that in a day or two I could surely be gone. But a note from cousin John Butler saying he would be here on Thursday was inducement enough to keep? me that I might meet the cousin minister whom I had not seen since a boy. Then an invitation came from cousin Jane that we must all spend the afternoon & evening of Friday at her house. so we went in companies, nine of us, just think of it and had a delightful time I packing my bag before I went expecting to take the evening traim. But no such good luck for the people here. unclear before
Wednesday? was unclear this summer