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When the weather permitted to which, some of the citizens, and the Prisoners who were adjoining us [[ ]] ; and who, declared themselves happy, in having an Opportunity of hearing the Gospel preached there being no Protestant Minister in the place. The were also delighted with the devotion of the Indians hearers, and with their singing. Children were also frequently baptised by the Missionaries.
While we were taking measures to remove the River Hurons, & make a beginning with the twenty eight Christian Indians, now with us, we had the joy to receive Letters from our Brethren La Trobe and Woolin in London, dated 19th and 20th of March last (1782) & brought from [[ ]] by Sir John Johson, who had arrived at Montreal; by which Letters if appeared, that the account of our being taken Prisoner on the Muskingum, and led Captives to Sandusky, had reached England thru a Philadelphia Newspaper.