Horace Lib 4.66.9. Neforte credastinterictura, qua Longe sonantem natus ad Aufidurn St Addressd to Ld Mansfield
Mr Hall
Tho born in an ungenial time Where _____ brawls, his tribute pays, 'Tis possible, My Ls for time To fancy those uncommon Lays;
? Shakespear every muse inspire
Idle sovereign of the tuneful throng
Praise is still due to Cowley's lyre
And Grays sweet melancholy song.
?nir shall live with laughing Eye
Among the iver'd sons of fama
Maids ever weep, and widows sigh
And burn with Eloisa's flame. [Pope]
Not Sparta's queen alone has tripp'd
Charm'd fith fine breeding & fine cloaths
Other fair princesses have slip'd
And troubled the whole worlds repose.
Teucer is not the only prince
famous for shooting the long bow
Troy has been lost before ance since
By cunning with a Patriot slew.
Heroes have bled as well as Hector
Both for their Minions and chaste wives;
Else, how had Cromwell been Protector
Or Charles or Edward lost their lives?
Pitts, with the same aspiring mind
In dark oblivion have gone down;
But they had not lick to find
Churchills to hand them reason.
Worth undistinguish'd by applause
But equal sloth; marshall the Cheif
In livid silence guard our laws
Forgotten like a mouldy Breif.