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the petty? jury. Mrs Morgan? was going to have a large party the night he came away. Papa said that Mr Welding?, who you know formerly? kept? school in Providence?, had four men indited? who had tarred? & feathered him, from all accounts I should think he was much like Cleveland. In the evening I finished my unclear 15th This morning I tool all our seeds and went to the claim in the wagon with Papa & Olliver who both worked all the forenoon in the garden making beds, for me, I worked as hard as I could all day being raking & planting. My flower bed I sowed as follows first Snopipers?, Coreopisis?, Double Carnation, Poppy, Star of Bethlehem, Tulips, Globes, Golden, Eternal flower, Double Dahlia, Thorn Poppy, Purple Egg Plant Poppy, Mourning widow, China pink, Lady in Green Poppy, Pink Bergonia? besides this bed I have two others that are larger in which beside the the things I told you of I have first some Dahlia roots which Mrs Morgan sent by Papa and some Pink? seed. I intend to sow more seeds by & by. every thing is doing first rate except my Pinks & Rosebushes & the Grapevines. I saw one bud on one of the grapevines yesterday. I am in hopes they will come to it by & by. besides my flowers I planted some beets & turnips and in the unclear and line unclear hoarhound, Sage, Dill, Balm, Bergamot, Peppers, Sweet Marjoram, Summer Savory? Lavender, Cayenne peppers, Saffron. Our neighbors seem to think we should have a very handsome gardent and I am in hopes that I shall have one? You know it was all the comfort I expected to have in the west? and sure enough it is. After I got through & went went over to Mrs Stephens with my net?. with which she was very much pleased. Yesterday was quite chilly in the wind wich did not blow very hard. in the sun it was very warm indeed About Noon Thomas Hamilton? came to the house to get work so Papa sent him to the woods to chop logs two of which, Papa & Olliver with the horses unclear to the mill & one for a house beam. Olliver brought in unclear of boards? from the mills some sidings & some flooring. Spent the evening in reading. unclear 16th Today it is really chilly & the wind blows very hard from the North east. I am writing while I am waiting for Ollivery who has gone to Mr Hills? for potatoes with Charley but now he has come back and has the horses most tackled?. I am going over to walk in the garden again. Papa and Thomas Hamilton have gone off on foot. Thomas is going to work in the woods & Papa has gone for Mr. Guns? office to get him to unclear on the house. When I got to the claim I found it so cold that I thought I should have to give up working in the garden, but I mustered courage enough to plant an asparagras? bed and then I went into Mrs Flemmings? to warm me but I unclearbeing smoked to death there as I unclearbeen to freezing. She told me she had lived there four years in just such a unclear though one hours on the chimney would prevent it, all but Mr. Flemming was no longer to unclear anything round the house one thing led to another and she told me that when she lived in Indiana she had to get up in the morning, leave her children abed and asleep and go a 1/4 of a mile to milk her cows & then bring home two pails full of milk, then if her children had walked she would tie them to the bedpost and go 1/4 of a mile in another direction for a couple of pails of water, then she had the horses and cows & cattle to fodder? and lead? to water. Mr. F was at work at his trade, she