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Unio dissidentiu or The agreement of diffe- rences in the incarnation, passion, reserrection and assention of Christ

[column1 ] Misteriu Incarnationis {qui fugit vbera rigit sidera} (1:)

A mother & A virgin beares a sonne The creature her creator on her knee Fro[m] all beginnings yet but now begunne Servant to tyme lord of Eternitye Earths weaknes & heve[n]s power in him doe dwell That is both God and man Emanuell (2:) meekness is heere co[m]byn'd wth maiestic The Lyo[n] wth ye Lambe keps peaceful place Obedience finde a seat in Emperie This Earthly substa[n]ce breeds a heve[n]lye grace To poulty rich gifts are brought by kings Terrestriall figures of Caelestiall things

(3:) MLod [My lord] sits in heaven upon his throne of state Sucks here o[n] Earth ye milke of Infancye MLod rules ye Stars & guids ye seern of fate Sustaines ye yoake of humaine missery

Eats, drinks sleeps, wakes & weps a mortall ma[n] In whe[n] Immortall happynes bega[n]

[column 2]

Misteriu Passionis {qui morti subjectus est mortem subuigat}

(4:) The Judge of ma[n] by ma[n] is judg'd to dye He ye com[m]aunds ye lawe obayes Submissio[n] fynds a Seat in Soidaincye The stormy night begets o[u]r halcion dayes The best of hopes springs fro[m] ye worst feares And gives us cause fo Joye fro[m] ye cause of teares

(5:) The Lo: of liffe is subiect unto death The maistrs powre to ministrs obayed Atonce Inspiring & exspiring breathe Submitts to kings, yet k[ing]s & K[in]gdomes swayes Synne upo[n] vertue hath imposd a blame Honor by basenes is expos'd to Shame

[column 3] Misteriu Resurrectionis et Assesntionis {qui terram incolit m caselum assendit} (7:)